About Pack 440

Pack 440 was first chartered in 1960 and is Lexington's oldest Cub Scout Pack. We are part of the Blue Elk District in the Heart of America Council and are sponsored by the Lexington United Methodist Church.

Pack 440 is located in Lexington, MO and was first chartered by the Lexington United Methodist Church in 1960. Our three founding leaders of Pack 440 were Don Mudd, Hershel Hay and Eph Guevel. Up to 2021, there have only been two Chartered Organization Representatives; Hershel Hay, Founding Member 1960 - 1991 and Patty Sollars 1991-2021 who also served as Committee Chair from 1991-1998 and was previously a Den Leader. Upon the reitirement of Patty Sollars as the Lexington United Methodist Church Administrative Assistant, Austin Stephenson became the third Chartered Organization Representative for Pack 440 and served from 2021 to 2023. In 2023, former Cubmaster, Phillip Davis, became the 4th Chartered Organization Representative for Pack 440.

We work closely with Troop 318 to ensure each Cub Scout is ready for the transition into Scouts, BSA. Pack 440 holds a Crossover Ceremony in which the packs Arrow of Light recipients will crossover into Troop 318. Representatives from Troop 318 will attend the Crossover (Bridging) Ceremony and welcome the Arrow of Light recipients into the Troop.

Our goal is to foster the BSA vision of building our youth into responsible and productive members of the community and to instill in them lifetime values and developing ethical character traits as expressed in the Scout Oath and Law. We encourage our Scouts to be productive members of the community while keeping the fun in scouting.

Cub Scouts is an amazing program for boys and girls in Kindergarten through the 5th grade. It’s fun, hands-on learning and achievement that puts kids in the middle of the action and prepares them for today – and for life.

Scout Oath

On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
And to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
Mentally awake and morally straight.

Scout Law

A Scout is:
Trustworthy, Loyal,
Helpful, Friendly,
Courteous, Kind,
Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty,
Brave, Clean, and Reverent.

Scout Motto

Be Prepared!

Scout Slogan

Do a Good Turn Daily!

Outdoor Code

Be clean in my outdoor manners
Be careful with fire
Be considerate in the outdoors, and
Be conservation minded